93 new cotton varieties to undergo national trials

93 new cotton varieties, including 85 Bt and eight (8) non-Bt varieties, would undergo national coordinated varietal trials (NCVT) all over Pakistan to assess their fabrication potentiality and fiber qualities.
These varieties or germplasms included 41 evolve by the public sector and 44 by the private sector and all would be cultivated in four provinces of the country to assess their performance under the 2018-19 research plan,
The meeting was held in Pakistan Central Cotton Committee (PCCC). Cotton Commissioner Dr. Khalid Abdullah, who presided over the meeting, said the government was committed to encourage and promote seed industry on scientific lines, including employing biotechnology techniques.
Original Link: https://www.brecorder.com/2019/04/10/487888/a93-new-cotton-varieties-to-undergo-national-trials/